"Meet Our Elected Officials" (Online) General Meeting - Thursday, February 3rd @7:30
All HBCA members are invited to attend our online General Meeting via Zoom and join the Board of Directors for community information and updates. This is an opportunity to listen in and also to make your voice heard.
This month's meeting will feature a "Meet Our Elected Officials" segment. It is currently confirmed that the following officials will be joining us on our call:

Join Zoom Meeting* https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87115533746?pwd=S1BrRFhuVTFXNjFUMGVTdWkyR0tSZz09 Meeting ID: 871 1553 3746 Passcode: HBCA
We look forward to seeing everyone!
Alex Borg, HBCA President
* If you do not have Zoom, you can download it on your phone in the app store or click here to download for desktop.